- CIB pushes for progress on hotel deal to support Bloomington Convention Center expansion, could come on April 7
- Amid shift in Bloomington street oversight, Flaherty gets city council nod for new transportation group
- Morton Street & 8th Street
- March 27, 2025: School board opening, hotels, buses, control of streets
- 6th Street & Walnut Street
- MCCSC board seat open after Shurr resigns, applications due March 27

- ‘History Reclaimed, Stories Retold, Theatre Revealed’
- The ‘WonderWomen’ Behind WonderLab
- ‘Today in Bloomington’ Is Not the Local Newsletter It Appears To Be
- Ida B. Wells and the Campaign Against Lynching
- Stirring the Pot: Chermoula and a Pantry Infused with Delight
- Sandhill Cranes Are the Stars of Marsh Madness at Goose Pond
- Possible Human Remains Found in Wooded Area on Bloomington’s Northwest Side Wednesday
- Press release: Customer Appreciation Week Returns to Kroger
- Press release: Indiana Environmental Group Sues the State for Allowing Powerplant to Keep Discharging its Coal Ash Laden Wastewater to the White River
- American Legion Auxiliary, Quilts of Valor to Honor Three Local Veterans on March 29, 2025
- Events: Monroe Lake Offers Astronomy, Wildflowers, and Outdoor Skills in April
- Press release: The Comic Art of Mike Zeck: The Marvel Years; Exhibit Opening April 11, 2025
- School of Science to host STEM summer camp
- Engage, learn and ride together during IU Bikes Month
- Student researchers share impact of their work at Statehouse
- Call for mentors to support Office of Scholar Development
- Study targets depression in ICU survivors to fight cognitive decline, dementia
- Researchers study coal waste as potential domestic source of rare earth elements
- 8 communities to partner with IU on heat pump adoption, tree canopy health
- IU South Bend students showcase research projects at Indiana Statehouse
- Get trained. Save a life.

The 812 is a daily show about the basic workings of city government in Bloomington, Indiana. Hosted by Steve Volan, a recently-retired five-term member of Bloomington’s City Council, The 812’s primary feature is a half-hour interview with elected and appointed officials in city government, as well as with members of boards, commissions and not-for-profits providing services to the city..